This year there was a looming cloud over Tamworth as Catherine drove in. With the drought and the pending worries of bushfires, it was no wonder numbers were expected to be down for the festival.
Catherine settled in for the month, mentoring up-and-coming singers at the Country Music Academy.
Lyn Bowtell, Lachlan Bryan and Catherine Britt
Several days into the festival it became clear that Tamworth was never going to lay down without a fight. The locals, the visitors, the buskers, the market and food stall workers… everyone was pitching in. The supportive community even cheering on the Hay Runners driving through town to deliver bales of hay to those farmers who really needed it.
It was this sense of community - everyone coming together to support one another that really hit home for Catherine and one of the main reasons why she created the Bush Pubs Tour 2020.
In a town experiencing severe drought and a town that holds sentimental value for Catherine, it was fitting that Tamworth Country Music Festival be the start of the Tour. And in true Tamworth spirit, the community certainly delivered.
Her first show was a packed house at the Longyard Hotel in Tamworth, and it was here she announced her decision to reach out to the community to help her with her next album. A crowd-funding album that a record label can’t touch and one that her boys will have rights to when they grow up.
The Bush Pub Tour idea resonated with those true country music lovers and was inspired by Slim Dusty himself. A musician and a singer who took his music and entertainment to the pubs of remote Australia to bring the communities together. Through the primary communication of radio and the Bush Telegraph, Slim would see communities come out in droves. These pubs – the Bush Pubs - were a central point of meeting. A watering hole and a place to find support and spend quality time with family and friends. And today, these communities really do need our support.
Catherine was determined to follow in Slim’s footsteps and take her music to the bush. Why? To bring back what was lost and is really needed. Music and entertainment, community support and something to look forward to.
The Golden Guitar Awards 2020
This tour is going to be something extraordinary. One where Catherine is giving back to remote Australia to help bring towns and locals together. But also, one where she is relying on support from these communities to help her with her next album. And doesn’t that demonstrate how strong the Australian people can be!
Please jump on to her Pozible campaign at and support Catherine so she can continue to bring back great music to those that really it need it.
See you at the pub!