Catherine Britt

The Straight Road: Bourke | Pallamallawa NSW

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The road out to Bourke was long, red and straight. SO straight that not even the white lines that ran along the side of the road could keep its steadiness. With little signal, our convoy stayed fairly close together as we watched the kilometres tick by.

The wind was so bored that it danced with the dust, creating red whirly winds amongst the dry shrubs. It was a sight; A long, straight and beautiful sight.

Port of Bourke Hotel.

Port of Bourke Hotel.

We reached the Port of Bourke Hotel around 5pm. A little later than usual and we rushed to set up the stage while the boys ran themselves crazy in the dirt.

I set up the merch while Catherine and Benny checked sound and then decided to try to wrangle the kids.

The night was tiring after spending two days on the road to get there. But the show was one of the best, with requests and shouts for some of Catherine’s classics like 46 Miles to Alice. The crowd danced until the lights came on and the buzz left a smile on Catherine’s face as the night ended.

The next day was another long drive from Bourke to Pallamallawa – a massive 5 hours. But with the vans and the kids, it took a few hours longer.

Already running late, we stopped an hour out of Moree NSW to grab a quick bite after travelling through lunch. It was a small roadside house that had been turned into a café and was guarded by two large Irish Wolfhounds. The scene reminded me of something from a horror movie, but I pushed aside my irrational fear and pushed Benny into the café first. After my heart settled, we relaxed enough to enjoy one of the best schnitzel sandwiches I’ve ever had.

When we returned to the car fifteen minutes later, we realised we’d made a rookie mistake, one that we’d been pretty good at remembering up until now … We left the car connected to the caravan, which flattened the battery.

A minor panic later and several attempts at starting the car, a farmer turned up with a jumper pack and soon we were back on the road.

Pally Pub, Pallamallawa, NSW.

Pally Pub, Pallamallawa, NSW.

We made it to the Pally Pub around 5pm again and after a slightly stressful set up with the van, Benny took off to help load in the gear for the night.

With its small-town vibe and friendly faces, the Pally pub welcomed us with open arms. The night encompassed what the Bush Pub Tour is all about; Family and friends coming together to chat and have fun. The party ran late, with the crowd mulling around laughing and chatting and I fell asleep listening to country music well after Catherine had finished up.

Both Bourke and Pallamallawa were stand out gigs supported by Charlie Scott and Natalie Henry.

Charlie Scott

Charlie Scott

Charlie Scott is an Americana musician who resides in Brisbane and performs with warmth and soul. With influencers such as Johnny Cash, Tom Petty and Brad Paisley, Charlie played those well-loved, crowd favourite songs with heartfelt rawness.  

Natalie Henry

Natalie Henry

Natalie Henry drove out from Newcastle NSW to support Catherine and let me tell you that her song writing is something to talk about. She started her career in music at the age of 34 and has written songs that embody her colourful life. Natalie’s music is powerfully feminine with an undertone of a gentle vulnerability. Her Americana writing style is worth the drive to come out and take a listen to.

The weekend was one spent mainly on the road, which meant tired parents and energetic kids. But we made it through and as I sit here writing this, I’m already pumped for the next weekend of music and fun.

See you at the pub!